Full Stack Developer

React, angular, node.js, express, MySQL


In the project directory, you can find the following:

Client-side built with NextJS.

The server side is private but it’s built with the following:

Nodejs, Brad AI, and Express.

Database with Prisma, AWS


In the project directory, you can find the following:

Client-side built with NextJS.

The server side is private but it’s built with the following:

Nodejs, Puppeteer, and Express.

Database with MySQL, AWS

Show Your Project

In the project directory, you can find the following:

Client-side built with React.

The server side is private but it’s built with:

Nodejs and Express.

Database with MySQL, AWS


In the project directory, you can find:

Client-side built with React.

The server side is private but its built with:

Nodejs and Express.

Database with MySQL.

Store Project

In the project directory, you can find:

Client-side built with Angular

Server-side built with Nodejs and Express

Database with MySQL

Vacations Project

In the project directory, you can find:

Client-side built with React and using Chartjs

Server-side built with Nodejs and Express

Database with MySQL

Crypto Project

In the project directory, you can find:

Only client-side build with javaScript, SCSS ,CanvasJS

API from coingecko.com


I made this using Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. This is only the front page and functionality still lacks.


In the project directory, you can find the following:

Client-side built with NextJS.

The server side is private but it's built with the following:

Nodejs, Puppeteer, and Express.

Database with MySQL, AWS


show your project

In the project directory, you can find the following:

Client-side built with React.

The server side is private but it's built with:

Nodejs and Express.

Database with MySQL, AWS



In the project directory, you can find:

Client-side built with React.

The server side is private but its built with:

Nodejs and Express.

Database with MySQL.

snapback shop

store project

In the project directory, you can find:

Client-side built with Angular

Server-side built with Nodejs and Express

Database with MySQL


Vacations Project

In the project directory, you can find:

Client-side built with React and using Chartjs

Server-side built with Nodejs and Express

Database with MySQL

Crypto Project

Crypto Project

In the project directory, you can find:

Only client-side build with javaScript, SCSS ,CanvasJS

API from coingecko.com


I made this using Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. This is only the front page and functionality still lacks.

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