Web Development



In the project directory, you can find the following: Client-side built with NextJS. The server side is private but it’s built with the following: Nodejs, Brad AI, and Express. Database with Prisma, AWS



In the project directory, you can find the following: Client-side built with NextJS. The server side is private but it's built with the following: Nodejs, Puppeteer, and Express. Database with MySQL, AWS

Snapback Hat

Snapback Hat

I created a place where you can buy amazing snapback caps.



In the project directory, you can find: Client and Serve built with NextJS, Database with MySQL.



In the project directory, you can find: Client-side built with React. The server side is private but its built with: Nodejs and Express. Database with MySQL.

Maayan Makeup Artist

Maayan Makeup Artist

I created a portfolio website for Maayan a Hair & Makeup Artist.

Dvora Packs

Dvora Packs

A company I've Co-founded and created the website for us.

Show Your Project

Show Your Project

In the project directory, you can find the following: Client-side built with React. The server side is private but it’s built with: Nodejs and Express.Database with MySQL, AWS

Vacations Project

Vacations Project

In the project directory, you can find: Client-side built with React and using Chartjs Server-side built with Nodejs and Express Database with MySQL

Crypto Project

Crypto Project

In the project directory, you can find: Only client-side build with javaScript, SCSS ,CanvasJS API from coingecko.com

TINDOG Project

TINDOG Project

I made this using Bootstrap, HTML, and CSS. This is only the front page and functionality still lacks.



A website for the Shemeneto olive oil company, for selling their oil.

Young Triangle

Young Triangle

The first website I created was an online store for my brand Young Triangle. I learned how to develop a site using WordPress.



I created a face mask online store for selling masks against covid. THE WEBSITE WAS SOLD.